This is still in the works

Hello, reader! Welcome to Kroner's Basic Life Cooking Guide: A Lazy Person's Guide to Cooking OK food.

This guide goes over how to cook if you're just starting out. There is a focus on eating food that won't make you feel like shit (in other words, healthy) and it's pretty much all vegetarian since I am (not really) vegetarian, and by vegetarian I mean mostly vegan... (it's complicated... or I just make things unnecessarily complicated for myself. Who knows!)

This is a ground up guide (well, I assume you know how to boil water. Though I did add a short guide on that just in case). It includes info like how to cut things or what to buy when you first move in somewhere (or when you have no clue in hell what you are doing). There will be suggestions for ingredients to use, what to do with whatever ingredients you do have, how to shop, and eventually I will fill in the Minerva City Specific food guides!.

Getting Started: Baseline tips on how to eat well + cheap

Getting Started: Setting up your kitchen

Balancing (and creating) Flavor

The Actual Cooking

Random Recipes for Ravenous Rugrats (empty)

Ingredients + What to do with them

Other People Who Know More Than Me

Bonus Tips

Notes on Specific Cities (to be filled)

Credit for page icons that are not the normal emojis