<aside> 👋 Hi – I'm Kroner! I like helping people organize + 'optimize' their digital realms


Kroner, I don't need the intro. [Skip to the details please](<https://www.notion.so/Organize-Your-Digital-World-Custom-Templates-Sessions-394a6d4a8a2648b3b4df3aebaf881425#e382dc1fb73241bda218ea14fe477ea1>)

I'm already sold, [sign me up](<http://buymeacoff.ee/Kroner>)

I'm interested, but I don't trust the internet. Do you have[references](<https://exclusive-trout-6a3.notion.site/Organize-Your-Digital-Life-Custom-Templates-and-Sessions-394a6d4a8a2648b3b4df3aebaf881425>)?

An Intro To Digital Maintenance

Your computer is like a house. But, in this house, you can buy and make unlimited furniture, trinkets, tools, toys, and so on – and the house grows to accommodate it all.

Maybe this sounds good at first. But think for a second. If you had an unlimited home with unlimited stuff, what happens when you need to find that phillips head screwdriver you used once two years ago but now can't go on without?

In short, most people's digital realms look a lot more like this:


Than this:


Our brains can hold a limited amount of information and perform a limited number of tasks at a given time (this is known as "cognitive capacity" → [here's a questionably reliable source](https://bestofbilash.ualberta.ca/cognitive capacity.html#:~:text=Cognitive capacity is the total,is called the cognitive load.) to learn more!).

When we spend time →

  1. Trying to remember where we put X document...
  2. Determine where to write Y note...
  3. Figuring out where Y note went even though you just wrote it two minutes ago...

Our brains have less space and energy to focus on what really matters (what to do with X/Y document/note? How does it help us? What's the next actionable step?).

Not only is it not "productive" (a potentially problematic term that we can talk about at a later date), it's draining – on your energy, your abilities, and your wellbeing.

Creating a pared-down digital space (in the Marie Kondo sense) that is organized functionally and understandably can help you spend less frustrating time searching through documents and tabs and whatnot and more time (and more importantly, more focused & present time) on what you're actually doing.

Hence, digital organization!

There are roughly 1 billion+ apps and extensions and online booklets and articles and so on that exist to help you reach the mythical digital organization summit. You could watch all the Marie Kondo Your Life YouTube videos (okay I've mentioned Marie Kondo too many times..), go through all the templates, use all of the systems, but what's most important is to find something that works for you.